Women’s rights in Islam: Fighting for equality before the law

By Deutsche Welle via Egypt Independent – In countries that practice Islamic law, legal reforms to advance the status of women tend to fail due to hard-liners who see it undermining [...]


Islamic Reform? Top Muslim University Says ‘No’

By Raymond Ibrahim – American Thinker – Largely unknown to and unreported in the West, a large, two-day conference was recently hosted (Jan. 27–28) by Al Azhar University in Egypt and [...]


The Muslim World’s Inferiority Complex

By Raymond Ibrahim – American Thinker Muslims around the world are thrilled at the recent news: “Harvard University ranks the Koran as the best book on justice” is the January [...]


Interfaith dialogue – a painstaking process

By Claudia Mende – Qantara.de – The declared goal of the Abrahamic Teams is to improve how Jews, Christians and Muslims interact with and live alongside each other. The project, which [...]


Islamic Apologias: Straining at Gnats while Swallowing Camels

By Raymond Ibrahim – Special for CS – An Arabic-language video recently appeared of a Muslim cleric in Egypt addressing how terrorists misuse Islamic scriptures to justifying killing [...]


Egypt’s Grand Mufti Lionizes Saudi King and Son for Service to Islam

Center for Democracy and Human Rights in Saudi Arabia –  As this article demonstrates, Muslim religious establishments and institutions are and have been subservient to Muslim ruling [...]


Medieval Christians Distorted Koran to Prevent Islam from Spreading to Europe?

By Raymond Ibrahim – Special for Coptic Solidarity While discussing the history of the Quran in Europe during a televised interview on the Arabic-language program, “Allah Knows,” Dr. Ali Gom‘a, [...]


Cairo University President Mohamed Al-Khosht: Reform Of Religious Discourse Is Not Enough, We Need To Revive Religion Itself

By MEMRI – President of Cairo University Mohamed Al-Khosht called for a “completely new religious discourse,” saying that “reformed discourse” was not enough and [...]


Islam vs. Non-Muslims: Doctrinal Sources

By Raymond Ibrahim -MEF– Because Islam gets criticized for many things — from hostility to modernity and democracy to calls for theocratic rule, radical “patriarchy,” misogyny, [...]


Rift widens between Egyptian president, Al-Azhar

By Shahira Amin – Al Monitor –  When Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, then defense minister, gave a televised speech on July 3, 2013, announcing that President Mohammed Morsi had [...]

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