Au Caire, Macron loue le partenariat avec l’Égypte

Par Renaud Girard – Le Figaro – “Les coptes d’Égypte sont une composante essentielle de la société égyptienne, de son histoire et de son avenir. La France est attachée à son [...]


In Egypt, A Sectarian Committee to Combat Sectarianism

By Timothy E. Kaldas – TIMEP – In late December, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El Sisi announced the formation of a committee to combat sectarianism in Egypt. On its face, Sisi’s [...]


Bras de fer entre al-Sissi et Macron sur les droits de l’homme

Par Ariane Lavrilleux – Le Point – ANALYSE. La conférence de presse des présidents égyptien et français s’est crispée après les remarques d’Emmanuel Macron sur les droits de [...]


Macron Addresses Egypt’s Human Rights Abuses During Visit

By POMED –  Upon arriving in Egypt on January 27, French President Emmanuel Macron announced that he would address human rights concerns by speaking “openly” about the treatment of citizens [...]


ماكرون: سجل حقوق الإنسان في مصر يُعتبر أسوأ من عهد مبارك

القاهرة (رويترز) – قال الرئيس الفرنسي إيمانويل ماكرون يوم الأحد إن حقوق الإنسان في مصر ينظر إليها بشكل متزايد على أنها في وضع أسوأ مما كانت عليه في عهد الرئيس السابق حسني مبارك، الذي أطاحت [...]


Macron: Egypt’s Human Rights Record Perceived Tougher Than Under Mubarak

By Egyptian Streets – On the first day of his trip to Egypt, French President Emmanuel Macron says that the human rights situation is perceived as tougher than under Mubarak, and that it [...]


In Minya: Absence of State Authority, Not Sectarian Incidents

By Youssef Sidhom – Watani – Watani’s issue of 20 January 2019 could have very well held the headline “Special issue on the attack against Copts and closure of their church in the [...]


«داعش» يتبنى اختطاف قبطي غرب العريش

مدى مصر ـ أعلن تنظيم «الدولة الإسلامية» المعروف بـ «داعش» أمس، الجمعة، تبنيه لحادث اختطاف مواطن قبطي في محافظة شمال سيناء من كمين أقامه فرع التنظيم المعروف بـ «ولاية سيناء» أمام قرية «مزار» [...]


Congress Comes to Agreement on Military Aid to Egypt

By POMED –  On January 23, amid the ongoing debate over the government shutdown, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a spending bill for Fiscal Year 2019 that would maintain the [...]


Nigeria: Muslims destroy 1,125 churches belonging to one Christian sect alone

By Robert Spencer – JW– Imagine if Christians anywhere destroyed 1,125 mosques. The outcry would be immediate, sustained, impassioned — and justified. There would governmental [...]