Annual Update on Coptic Solidarity’s Work – Lindsay RodriguezSeptember 3, 2024Coptic Solidarity hosted its 12th Annual Conference The Coptic Problem: Hate Based on Religion [...]
Massive Fire Consumes Coptic Christian Diocese in EgyptSeptember 2, 2024By Raymond Ibrahim – Coptic Solidarity – On Saturday night, August 31, 2024, a massive fire [...]
CS Conference: Aram Hamparian of ANCA Presentation on Effective AdvocacyAugust 29, 2024Coptic Solidarity hosted its 12th Annual Conference The Coptic Problem: Hate Based on Religion [...]
Sarah Raviani at Coptic Solidarity’s 12th Annual ConferenceAugust 25, 2024This presentation was made by Sarah Raviani, Fellow & Engagement Coordinator at the [...]
Racing the Clock to Document ISIS Genocide of Iraq’s YazidisSeptember 7, 2024By NYT – For years, a U.N. team has painstakingly exhumed mass graves, but now the [...]
Even Summer Nights Can’t Escape Egypt’s Economic CrisisSeptember 4, 2024By Vivian Yee – NYT – It’s so hot in Cairo that people like to go out all night. It [...]
Hundreds killed in Burkina Faso jihadist attackSeptember 2, 2024Hundreds were killed in north-central Burkina Faso on Saturday (Aug 25) after suspected [...]
The First Academy for Training Football Players in Egypt, Under the Auspices of the Coptic ChurchAugust 28, 2024The Coptic Orthodox Church has announced the launch of the first specialized academy for [...]
The Suffering Christians of Sudan, and the Deliberate Absence of Global ConscienceAugust 28, 2024By Ashraf Helmy – The Christian minority in Sudan has continued to suffer systematic [...]
Iraqi Christians’ Never-Ending ‘Black Day’August 8, 2024By Raymond Ibrahim – PJ Media – On Aug. 6, the Christians of Iraq commemorated the [...]
Ten Years After ISIS Invaded Mosul—Where Does That Leave Iraq’s Indigenous Assyrians?June 27, 2024By Ramsen Shamon – Newsweek (via AINA) – My relatives fled Mosul to save their [...]
Dr. Zuhdi Jasser: Potentially Most Important New Congress MemberJune 5, 2024by Daniel Pipes – Washington Times – (*) As everyone knows, the growth of a Muslim [...]
اختفاء فتاة قاصر «سارة عوض» بمنطقة فيصل بالجيزةSeptember 5, 2024وطني ـ ناشدت أسرة قبطية الأجهزة المعنية، سرعة التدخل لكشف غموض اختفاء ابنتهم القاصر، سارة عوض ( [...]
«وجوه الفيوم»: فن روماني أم قبطي ؟September 4, 2024مايكل جرجس ـ وطني ـ في قلب التاريخ المصري تُنسج خيوط الزمن وتتشابك الحكايات، ودائمًا نجد أنفسنا [...]
حريق هائل في مطرانية بني سويفSeptember 1, 2024شب حريق هائل في مطرانية بني سويف، والتهمت النيران كامل محتوياتها من مكاتب وأجهزة كمبيوتر وأثاث [...]
أول أكاديمية لتأهيل لاعبي كرة القدم برعاية الكنيسة القبطيةAugust 28, 2024أعلنت الكنيسة القبطية الأرثوذكسية عن تدشين أول أكاديمية متخصصة لتأهيل لاعبي كرة القدم الأقباط. [...]