The Americanization of an Ancient Faith

By Shira Telushkin – The Atlantic – The 2,000-year-old Coptic Church is trying something new: spreading its message across the United States—and the rest of the world. One day in the fall of [...]


20 years of Religious Freedom Act

By Dr. Henry Srebrnik – Telegraph Journal In November1996, President Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, convened an Advisory Committee on Religious Freedom Abroad to [...]


Yazidi Massacre in Afrin: Children Killed, Villages Bombed, Temples Destroyed

By Uzay Bulut – Christian Post (via AINA) ـ Yazidis, a historically persecuted non-Muslim people in the Middle East, are yet again fleeing for their lives — this time from [...]


الخروج من قندهار.. تلخيص مبتسر!

أحمد الجمال ـ المصري اليوم ـ لو كان الأمر بيدى.. أى كنت صاحب قرار فى النشر بصحيفة أو دورية محترمة.. لنشرت النص كاملًا دون أدنى تدخل.. ذلك الذى كتبه أستاذ طب القلب المرموق البروفيسور شارل بشرى [...]


Egyptian mob celebrates blocking application for new church

By World Watch Monitor –  Mob rule has stopped hundreds of Christians in a village in Upper Egypt building their first church, World Watch Monitor has learned from local Copts. The nearest [...]


L’université al-Azhar résiste à la réforme de l’islam

Par Georges Malbrunot – Le Figaro – Deux véhicules  blindés des forces de sécurité sont stationnés à l’entrée du campus d’al-Azhar dans le quartier de Medina al-Nasr au Caire. [...]


Egypt Expels British Journalist

By Wall Street Journal – Expulsion illustrates escalating government clampdown on press freedom – Egyptian authorities arrested and expelled a British journalist with the Times of [...]


Muslim Hardliners Block Legalization of Church in South Egypt

By Watani – Muslim villagers in al-Toud in Abu-Tesht, Qena, some 570km south of Cairo, have forcibly blocked procedures for the legalisation of a de-facto church in the village. The small [...]


Egypt’s Election Should Be a Lock. So Why Is President Sisi Worried?

By Declan Walsh – The New York Times – Days before Egypt’s presidential election, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s beaming visage adorns billboards across Egypt. His rivals are in jail, the [...]


أحد الشيوخ بقرية الطود: لن نسمح بوجود كنيسة ومن قدم أوراق التقنين يجب طرده

وطني ـ شهدت قرية الطود التابعة لمركز ابو تشت بمحافظة قنا ، جلسة مساء أمس فى منزل أحد كبار القرية، دعا لها أحد كبار القرية بعد أحداث الاربعاء التي شهدت تظاهرات للمتشددين؛ احتجاجا على وصول لجنة من [...]

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