By Melanie Grayce West – WSJ – Coptics, Roman Catholics Have Long Shared Theological Ties – With a consecrated tablet, the congregation of St. Mary & St. Mark Coptic Orthodox [...]
By WorldWatch Monitor – Two brothers helping a Coptic Christian shop owner were shot dead on New Year’s Day in Giza, Greater Cairo. The men, who owned a car-parts shop next door, had been [...]
By Coptic Solidarity – For Immediate Release Coptic Solidarity condemns the cowardly attack by armed gunmen on Mar Mina Church on December 29, in Helwan, a suburb south of Cairo, Egypt. [...]
آخر لقاء لقداسة البابا شنودة مع لميس الحديدى.. سلاما لروحه فى سماء الخلد .ـ قضية الأقباط مدولة فعلا ولا تحتاج لأحد لتدويلها .ـ ما يحدث للأقباط يهز الضمير العالمى .ـ الأقباط فى المهجر يعيشون فى [...]
By Watani – The church of the Holy Virgin on Street 100 in the Mediterranean coastal city of New Dumyat, east of the Nile Delta, has received threats against Christians and the Church. The [...]
By Congressman Brad Sherman – Dear Friend, As a member of the Congressional Caucus on Religious Minorities in the Middle East, and the International Religious Freedom Caucus, I have been [...]
We have a critical opportunity to take a stand against the Muslim Brotherhood organization (MB) and the terror this organization has unleashed on Copts and the rest of the Egyptian society and [...]