By Karoline Kamel – Mada Masr – Seven years ago, we entered as individuals into communities of revolt. We joined one body that extended over streets and squares of dissent. With each [...]
By World Watch Monitor – An Egyptian court today (31 January) found 15 people guilty of attacking a Coptic church south of Cairo, and also fined a Coptic man for illegally hosting the [...]
نادر شكري ـ وطني ـ القاضي يحكم على 19 متهما بمهاجمة الأقباط بعام مع إيقاف التنفيذ و500 جنية غرامة قررت محكمة جنح الصف بالجيزة اليوم الحكم في قضية “أطفيح” المتهم فيها 20 شخصا بينهم قبطي وهو عيد [...]
By Maged Atiya – The recent short shutdown of the US Federal government was attributed to irreconcilable differences about “Dreamers”, or children of undocumented immigrants. But that was [...]
By Raf Sanchez, Magdy Samaan – The Telegraph – A senior Egyptian opposition figure has been attacked and injured in a Cairo street, in the latest of what appears to be a coordinated [...]
نبيل عبد الفتاح ـ مركز الأهرام للدراسات السياسية ـ دولة ما بعد الاستقلال فى العالم العربي، ولدت ولادة قسرية، والأحرى قيصرية، وبدت وكأنها كيان ومعنى ودلالة رمزية مفارقة للواقع الوطنى بجروحه [...]
By Coptic Solidarity – For Immediate Release (Washington, DC) January 26, 2018 Coptic Solidarity applauds the confirmation on Wednesday of Governor Sam Brownback (R-KS) as the [...]
By Coptic Solidarity – For Immediate Release (Washington, DC) January 25, 2018 The introduction of H. RE.S 673 in the US House of Representatives initiated a large reaction with the [...]
شِهادة أمام لجنة توم لانتوس لحُقوق الإنسان “مصر: حُقوق الإنسان بعد سبع سنوات من الثّورة” 6 ديسمبر 2017 أودُّ أن أشكر الرّئيسيْن المُشاركيْن، النّائبيْن هولتغرين وماكجفرن، على [...]
By Mitch Smith – The New York Times – Gov. Sam Brownback of Kansas was narrowly confirmed to an ambassadorship on Wednesday after a six-month wait that left Kansans increasingly [...]