US Rep. French Hill: Coptic Solidarity’s 12th Annual Conference

US Representative French Hill (R-AR), a champion of Coptic equality, spoke at Coptic Solidarity’s Conference on June 13, 2024, in the Cannon Caucus Room. Coptic Solidarity hosted its 12th [...]


Muslim Throng Converges on Worship Site of Coptic Church in Egypt

By Morning Star News – Police in Upper Egypt evicted Coptic priests and shuttered their church building after an Islamist mob converged on the site over the weekend, according to reports. [...]


Coptic Christians Deprived of Home Worship Hall in Egypt

By Morning Star News –  Nearly a year after declaring that attacks on Christians had hit a level not seen in decades, a Coptic Orthodox bishop in Egypt continues to lament a stream of [...]


EIPR condemns the pressure exerted on ‘Dimshaw’ Copts to accept customary reconciliation And demands the trial of the attackers, compensating the victims and building a church in the village

By Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights – The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) condemns the pressure exerted by state authorities on the affected Copts in the village of [...]


Church closures in Egypt: ‘We were silent when it was one, now it’s four’

By Sonia Farid – Al Arabiya – “We said nothing when one church was closed, so it got worse and a second, then a third were closed, and a fourth is on its way as if praying is a crime [...]


Christians in Egypt Pelted With Rocks in Attack on Town – Four Churches Forced to Shut

By Joey Millar – The Express UK (via AINA) – The coordinated attacks took place in the Egyptian region of Minya, south of Cairo, where church leaders are now pleading for support. [...]


Anba Macarius of Minya: Is Prayer a Crime?

By Nader Shukry – Watani –  Anba Macarius, Coptic Orthodox Bishop of Minya, has issued a statement that tackled the recent closure of churches in Minya villages at the hands of the [...]


A statement by the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Minya, Egypt, on Worship Rights

By Minya Diocese – Security refuses to open a church shut down in Kedwan in deference to sentiments of extremists! This is to comment on what has been published on social media concerning [...]


Potentially Deadly Church Attack Thwarted in Egypt

By Raymond Ibrahim – Exclusive for Coptic Solidarity – A man hurled an improvised bomb at the entrance of a packed church in Egypt in what observers say could’ve been a repeat of the [...]


In post-Arab Spring Egypt, Muslim attacks on Christians are rising

By Sudarsan Raghavan  – The Independent A ‘disturbing wave of radicalism’ has deepened sectarian tensions, pitting neighbour against neighbour The Christian and Muslim villagers grew up [...]

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