Islamic Fellow Travelers On The Road To Bigotry And Mass Murder

By Alberto M. Fernandez – MEMRI – The spectacular acts of slaughter and mayhem perpetrated by the Islamic State (ISIS) and its unabashed, prolific justification for them represents a [...]


Live Footage: Muslim Mob Attacks Coptic Homes in Beni Sueif after Friday Prayers

Attacks on Copts are spreading to other provinces: Below are two clips showing new and fresh attacks on Copts and their homes and properties. During the last few weeks, several attacks were [...]


Call for a peaceful demonstration in front of the White House – August 2, 2016

By Coptic Solidarity – Coptic Solidarity, in collaboration with activists concerned with the conditions in Egypt and the on going attacks on the Copts, invites you to participate in a [...]


Muslim Brotherhood: From the Ballot Box to the Caliphate

By Eric Trager –  Wall Street Journal – Even when elected, Islamists foment instability. In June 2012, Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Morsi narrowly won Egypt’s first fair and [...]


Islamic Salafi Party Demolishes Iconic Statue Because It’s an “Idol,” Says Cleric

By Coptic Solidarity – While the world watches as the Islamic State wantonly destroys the ancient heritage of Mesopotamia—including by destroying “pagan” statues and other [...]


Egyptian Islamic Jihad founder: annihilate terror groups or they annihilate you

By Khalid Hassan – Al-Monitor – The Egyptian army’s military campaigns continue to target the hideouts of terrorist groups in Sinai Peninsula that from time to time claim [...]


Blasphemy Convictions Intensify in Sisi’s Egypt

By Raymond Ibrahim – The Gatestone Institute – Despite Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s many pluralistic words and gestures, which have won him much praise from the [...]