إلى متى تبقى الثعابين السامة تهدد وحدتنا؟

د. رفعت السعيد ـ هذه رسالة إلى من يتولى الأمر.. ولست أعتقد أنها يمكن توجيهها إلى الحكومة فهى كما نرى لا تهتم بالأمر.. وحتى تكشيرة السيد رئيس الوزراء لا تتوجه إلى تلك الثعابين بل تتوجه إلينا عندما [...]


A Hidden Church in Cairo Pins Its Hopes on Good Will From the Pope’s Visit

By Declan Walsh – The New York Times – To hear the Coptic Catholic priest tell it, building a church in Cairo requires far more than bricks and mortar. He listed the other requirements: the [...]


Saudi man sentenced to death for uploading video renouncing Islam

By World Tribune – A Saudi Man in his 20s has been sentenced to death on apostasy charges after he uploaded videos to social media renouncing Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. Ahmad al-Shamri [...]


‘Thou shalt not kill’: Pope Francis urges Islamic leaders to reject violence carried out in the name of religion

By Magdy Samaan, Nick Squires – The Telegraph –  Pope Francis urged Muslim leaders to renounce “violence and vengeance” carried out in the name of religion on Friday, during a visit to [...]


Pope Francis, in Egypt, Delivers a Blunt Message on Violence and Religion

By Jason Horowitz – The New York Times – Pope Francis delivered his most blunt and powerful message to the Muslim world on Friday when he began a papal mission to Egypt by warning [...]


In Egypt, Meeting with Sunni Muslim Leaders, Pope Francis Must Speak Up

By Nina Shea – National Review Online –  He should ask them to define and clarify key Islamic terms that terrorist groups use to recruit members. On Friday, Pope Francis travels to [...]


En Égypte, le Pape veut renouer les liens avec l’islam

Par Jean-Marie Guénois – Le Figaro – «Le but du pape François est de tout ­faire pour se réconcilier publiquement avec le monde musulman. Mais le fait est que François a connu [...]


Pope Francis travels to Egypt amid questions over Islamic university’s fomenting of extremism

By Magdy Samaan, Nick Squires – The Telegraph – Pope Francis travels to Egypt for the first time on Friday, offering words of solidarity to the country’s beleaguered Christian community and [...]


Is the Pope Heading to Egypt to Defend Islam?

By Robert Spencer – Frontpage Magazine –  Reuters reported Tuesday that “Pope Francis hopes to mend ties with Muslims on his trip to Egypt on Friday but faces criticism from [...]


Weary Copts urge Pope Francis to challenge Sisi over attacks and chronic discrimination

By World Watch Monitor – Egyptian Copts have welcomed Pope Francis’ “insistence” that his visit to Cairo this week go ahead despite the recent attacks on two churches that killed 45 [...]