By Raymond Ibrahim – American Thinker One of the benefits of Adel Guindy’s new book, A Sword Over the Nile: A Brief History of the Copts Under Islamic Rule, is that it implicitly [...]
By Lord David Alton of Liverpool – With Egypt’s Copts targeted as part of a bloody and systematic campaign of genocide against the ancient churches of the Middle East, Adel Guindy has [...]
By Saba E. Demian, M.D. Sword over the Nile is as much a reference as it is a book. It is amply annotated, referenced, cross-referenced, as any historical document need be. This scientific [...]
By Raymond Ibrahim – The American Thinker – February 2015 was the first time many in the West had heard of the Copts, Egypt’s indigenous, Christian inhabitants. Then the [...]
By Coptic Solidarity – Christian News Wire July 14, 2020 Coptic Solidarity congratulates its cofounder and first president (2010 – 2015), Mr. Adel Guindy, on the recent publication of his [...]