Cairo University President Mohamed Al-Khosht: Reform Of Religious Discourse Is Not Enough, We Need To Revive Religion Itself

By MEMRI – President of Cairo University Mohamed Al-Khosht called for a “completely new religious discourse,” saying that “reformed discourse” was not enough and [...]


Rift widens between Egyptian president, Al-Azhar

By Shahira Amin – Al Monitor –  When Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, then defense minister, gave a televised speech on July 3, 2013, announcing that President Mohammed Morsi had [...]


Fmr. Jordanian FM Marwan Al-Muasher: We Must Vanquish Terror Groups Ideologically, Not Just Militarily

By MEMRI – Former Jordanian Foreign Minister Marwan Al-Muasher said, in a recent TV interview, that the education systems in the Arab world had “failed miserably,” and that the [...]


Egyptian Intellectual Dr. Khale Montaser: Islamic Extremism Does Not Stem From Poverty Or Ignorance; Our Interpretation Of Our Religion Is In Conflict With Modernity

By MEMRI – Egyptian intellectual Dr. Khaled Montaser said that while extremism was once considered to be the outcome of poverty or of one’s environment, this does not explain [...]


Al Azhar: No to Reforming “Religious Discourse”

By Raymond Ibrahim – Exclusive  for Coptic Solidarity – Much of Al Azhar University’s curriculum is based on Islam’s ancillary books, written in the medieval era or earlier. These books are [...]


The Time Is Now For Urgent Middle East Reform

By Alberto M. Fernandez – It is all too easy today to look at the Middle East and throw up one’s hands in deep despair, at the constant drumbeat of sectarian conflict, restless and [...]