Speaker During Religious Ministerial Delivers Biased Speech on Religious Freedom in Egypt

By POMED – According to Coptic Solidarity, an organization defending religious minorities and religious freedom in Egypt, Joel Rosenberg, an author and pundit, delivered “misleading” [...]


Trump policies fire up evangelicals but divide Middle East Christians

By Bryant Harris – Al-Monitor     With President Donald Trump’s support among evangelicals sliding ahead of next month’s mid-term elections, the White House is seeking [...]


Coptic Solidarity Applauds First Ministerial to Promote Religious Freedom

By Coptic Solidarity –  The US government (USG) recently hosted the first ever Ministerial to advance Religious Freedom in Washington, DC, July 24 – 26. The current administration made [...]


Potomac Declaration Issued During Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom

Potomac Declaration Issued During Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom July 24-26, 2018 Preamble: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaims in Article 18 that “everyone has the [...]


State Department religious freedom summit ends with commitments, critiques

By Adelle M. Banks – Religion News Service –  The State Department concluded its first-ever Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom Thursday (July 26), with declarations promising [...]


Statement on Blasphemy/Apostasy Laws

Statement on Blasphemy/Apostasy Laws بيان بشأن قوانين التجديف والردة نقف معا بصفتنا ممثلين للمجتمع الدولي دعما لحريتي الدين والتعبير المترابطتين. نحن نعارض بشكل صارم القوانين التي تعوق حرية [...]


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: Religious persecution in Iran, China must end now

By Michael R. Pompeo – USA Today Around the world, religious minorities are persecuted and stripped of human rights. This is an issue many countries must work together to solve. Last month, [...]


Remarks by Vice President Pence at Ministerial To Advance Religious Freedom

By US White House – July 26, 2018 Thank you, Secretary Pompeo.  To the Secretary, to Ambassador Brownback, to Administrator Green, Director Mulvaney, to the representatives of more than 80 [...]