تأجيل قضية سيدة الكرم وحرق المنازل ومقتل قبطى دلجا لجلسة أكتوبر المقبل

وطني ـ قررت محكمة جنايات المنيا تأجيل ثلاثة قضايا تتعلق بالأقباط لدورة أكتوبر المقبل وهم قضية تعرية السيده سعاد ثابت ” سيدة الكرم ” ، وحرق منازل أقباط الكرم ، والقضية الثالثة قتل المواطن القبطي [...]


Systematic Discrimination: Christians Under Egyptian Rule

By Raymond Ibrahim – FrontPage Magazine – Coptic Solidarity (CS), an international human rights organization devoted to ameliorating the plight of Egypt’s indigenous [...]


Suspected Boko Haram Attack on Funeral in Nigeria Leaves at Least 65 Dead

By The New York Times – MAIDUGURI, Nigeria — Villagers in northeastern Nigeria are fleeing their homes, leaving everything behind, after armed men on motorbikes roared into their area and [...]


 Egorgement des opposants: la très mauvaise «blague» d’une ministre égyptienne

Par: Liberation (Paris) – En visite au Canada, la ministre de l’Immigration de l’Egypte a suscité la polémique en évoquant la décapitation de ceux qui diraient du mal de son [...]


Coptic Rights Activist Banned From Facebook for One Month

Editors Note – Mr. Magdi Khalil, a founding member of Coptic Solidarity and member of the Executive Committee has been banned from Facebook for one month. The supposed reason for this ban [...]


Egyptian minister’s laughing vow in Canada to ‘slice up’ anyone who criticizes her country alarms immigrant groups

By National Post – Canada – Egyptian ex-patriates cite evidence that critics of the Sisi government in Canada are already under watch. ‘We are surely being followed and [...]


En visite au Canada, une ministre égyptienne évoque la « décapitation » d’opposants

By Radio Canada – En visite officielle au Canada, la ministre égyptienne de l’Immigration, Nabila Makram, a essuyé des critiques après avoir menacé, sur le ton de la blague, les opposants [...]


Christian Holy Sites and Holy Places In The Middle East

By Lord David Alton – (Extended version of) Remarks in Washington DC on July 18th 2019 by David Alton at a special conference on “Christian Holy Sites and Holy Places in the Middle East,” [...]


Religious Freedom Has Never Drawn A Bigger Crowd (From All Walks Of Faith)

By Paul Marshall – Religion Unplugged (COMMENTARY) On July 15-18, the U.S. State Department, under the auspices of Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and directly hosted by [...]


Speaker During Religious Ministerial Delivers Biased Speech on Religious Freedom in Egypt

By POMED – According to Coptic Solidarity, an organization defending religious minorities and religious freedom in Egypt, Joel Rosenberg, an author and pundit, delivered “misleading” [...]

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