USCIRF Calls for Release of Ramy Kamel

By USCIRF WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) again calls on the Egyptian government to immediately and unconditionally release Coptic activist Ramy [...]


النيابة العامة: لا وجه لإقامة الدعوى الجنائية في مقتل ريجيني..

مدى مصر ـ قالت النيابة العامة، اليوم، الخميس، إنه لا وجه لإقامة الدعوى الجنائية في قضية مقتل جوليو ريجيني، لعدم معرفة الفاعل، وفيما وصف البيان القرار بالمؤقت، أشار إلى تكليف جهات البحث بموالاة [...]


Egypt: “I feel pity for the perpetrators” of church attack

By Florian Ripka-ACN via Aleteia – Ten years ago, Kiro Khalil survived an attack on Christians that killed three members of his family. Ten years ago on New Year’s Eve, the life of Coptic [...]


Acquittal in assault of Christian woman casts pall over Christmas for Egypt’s Coptic community

By Shahara Amin– Al-Monitor – A controversial court ruling acquitting three defendants — a father and his two sons — who had stripped naked and [...]


How much longer will the Middle East celebrate Christmas?

By Knox Thames- RNS — The birthplace of Christianity may soon be uninhabitable for its believers without reforms to help them survive. Days before the start of Advent, mobs in a city [...]


In Hoc Anno Domini

By Wall Street Journal (*) – When Saul of Tarsus set out on his journey to Damascus the whole of the known world lay in bondage. There was one state, and it was Rome. There was one master [...]


Portion of US military aid to Egypt conditioned on release of political prisoners

By Mada Masr – For the first time, the United States Congress has made disbursement of military aid to Egypt conditional on the release of political prisoners without providing the US State [...]


Egyptian court acquits Muslim men who stripped, beat Christian grandmother

By Jackson Elliott, Christian Post – An Egyptian court acquitted three men who led a Muslim mob to strip, beat, spit on and humiliate a Christian grandmother whose son was falsely accused [...]


Muslims Kill, Wound Coptic Christians in (Unacknowledged) Hate Crime

By Raymond Ibrahim – Special for CS – Two Muslim brothers recently went on a stabbing spree targeting Coptic Christians in Alexandria, Egypt; one man was killed and two others were severely [...]


Trois Égyptiens acquittés après des sévices contre une Copte

Le Figaro – Un tribunal égyptien a acquitté jeudi trois hommes jugés pour des sévices contre une femme âgée copte qui avait été dévêtue et exhibée nue dans un village en 2016, a-t-on appris [...]

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