By Claire Evans – International Christian Concern – During the last year, Egypt’s Christians experienced persecution in ever increasing waves. Though ISIS accounted for the vast [...]
By World Watch Monitor – Malaysia’s highest court dismissed an appeal today (27 February) against four appellants who wanted to be formally recognised as Christians. The five judges of the [...]
Par Solidarité Copte – Les questions soulevées par la discrimination et la persécution des Coptes en Egypte, ne peuvent pas être traitées tant que le problème lui-même n’est pas reconnu. [...]
By Knox Thames – DIPNOTE – U.S. Department of State Official Blog PROTECT RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AND RELIGIOUS MINORITIES: We will advocate on behalf of religious freedom and [...]
الأربعاء 14-02-2018 17:39 | كتب: بسام رمضان قال عضو مجلس النواب الأمريكي، دانا روباكر، إنّ المِصريين بِحاجة لأنْ يَعلموا أنّ الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية عَلى عِلمٍ بِحجم التضحيات التي يَقومون بها [...]
By Bassam Ramadan – Al-Masry a-Youm – Feb. 14/2018 – (Translated by Coptic Solidarity) A member of the American House of Representatives, Dana Rohrabacher, said that Egyptians [...]
By Lela Gilbert – NewsMax A touching news story surfaced a few days ago, briefly casting a flicker of light across Egypt’s shadowy heartland. The report applauded the Egyptian government’s [...]
By MEMRI – Ahead of the Egyptian presidential elections (slated for March 26-28), and in light of the large-scale campaign launched by the Egyptian military against its presence in Egypt [...]
By World Watch Monitor – Several Islamic clerics and a few Christian leaders held a press conference at a police station in Lahore, Pakistan, this evening (20 February) to send a message to [...]
By POMED – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) and Western Hemisphere Subcommittee Chairman Paul Cook (R-CA) traveled to Egypt and met with Foreign Affairs [...]