US Rep. French Hill: Coptic Solidarity’s 12th Annual Conference

US Representative French Hill (R-AR), a champion of Coptic equality, spoke at Coptic Solidarity’s Conference on June 13, 2024, in the Cannon Caucus Room. Coptic Solidarity hosted its 12th [...]


US Congressman French Hill Speaks at Coptic Solidarity’s 11th Annual Conference

US Representative French Hill (R-AR) spoke during the Policy Day of Coptic Solidarity’s 11th Annual Conference. He shared about sponsoring three resolutions for Coptic equality, his most recent [...]


Video Message from US Representative French Hill

US Representative French Hill (R-AR) recorded this video message for Coptic Solidarity’s virtual event Unmasking Egypt’s Political Propaganda Toward Coptic Christians hosted on June 23, 2021.


Rep. Hill, Senator Lankford Press Biden on Need for US Leadership to Promote International Religious Freedom

WASHINGTON, D.C.  – Rep. French Hill (AR-02) and Senator James Lankford (R-OK) led a bicameral letter to President Biden on the pressing need for a nominee to the position of Ambassador at Large [...]

Matching Words and Actions on Religious Freedom in Egypt

By: USCIRF Commissioner James W. Carr and Congressman French Hill – In July 2018, Abdo Adel, a Christian resident of the village of Minbal in Egypt’s Minya governorate—described by his [...]


Hill and Cicilline Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Supporting Egypt’s Coptic Christians

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Jeff NaftJeff.Naft@mail.house.gov Date: February 15, 2021 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Rep. French Hill (R-AR) and Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) announced [...]


Coptic Solidarity Applauds Bi-Partisan Resolution for Coptic Equality in Egypt

By Coptic Solidarity – Standard Newswire Coptic Solidarity applauds Rep. French Hill (R-AR) and the ten other original cosponsors for working in a bipartisan manner to introduce H.Res.117 [...]


Congressman Hill Hosts UK Religious Freedom Special Envoy

By: Congressman Hill Office – Date: February 6, 2020 – Yesterday, Congressman French Hill (AR-02), a member of the Religious Minorities in the Middle East Caucus, hosted Rehman [...]


10th Annual Conference: Representative French Hill

Video of speech by Representative French Hill (R-AR), which took place during Coptic Solidarity’s 10th Annual Conference on June 20, 2019, at the National Press Club.


Rep. Hill Calls on President Trump to Defend Coptic Christians in Meeting with Egyptian President el-Sisi

By Office of US Congressman French Hill – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: April 9, 2019 Rep. Hill Calls on President Trump to Defend Coptic Christians in Meeting with Egyptian President el-Sisi [...]

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