By: Christianity Today – The White House announced Friday a slate of nominations and appointments for top religious affairs roles, including the first Muslim American nominated to be the US [...]
By Christian Post – A Nigerian civil society organization estimates that over 3,400 Christians have been killed by extremists since January, a number that nearly surpasses the number of [...]
مدى مصر ـ طالبت ست منظمات حقوقية مصرية، السلطات المصرية بالتدخل فورًا للإفراج عن عشرة نوبيين محتجزين في السعودية منذ ما يزيد على العام، مستنكرة، في بيان صدر اليوم، استمرار حبسهم، وعدم حصولهم على [...]
By Coptic Solidarity – Standard News Wire – Egypt’s delegation to the 2020 Olympics includes a single Copt out of 141 athletes. The delegation, which includes 37 women, will compete [...]
By Raymond Ibrahim – Exclusive for Coptic Solidarity – A Coptic Christian church was recently burned to the ground—not in Egypt, where the torching of Coptic churches is not an [...]
د. محمد أبو الغار ـ المصري اليوم ـ فاز فيلم ريش بجائزة النقاد، وكذلك أفضل فيلم فى المسابقات الموازية فى مهرجان كان الفرنسى العالمى للسينما. المخرج عمر الزهيرى شاب موهوب عمره 33 عامًا بذل جهدًا [...]
المنصة ـ عشت، لحسن حظي، بعض محطات رحلة المخرج عمر الزهيري التي بدأت في عام 2015 لإنتاج فيلمه الجديد، حيث يتحول رب أسرة إلى دجاجة بسبب خطأ ساحر، لنخوض مع زوجته تفاصيل رحلتها إلى العالم الخارجي في [...]
By Coptic Solidarity – The Olympics is a time for sport and fraternity to be celebrated globally, yet when Egypt’s national football team plays their first Tokyo 2021 game today against [...]
By Vancouver Sun – The cause of the fire is still under investigation, but Surrey RCMP said it is being treated as ‘suspicious’ A congregation and community are in shock after an [...]
By Christianity Daily – The Christian church in Iran is worried that it will most likely suffer increased persecution under the leadership of former Judiciary Chief Ebrahim Raisi who was [...]