Is Erdoğan Hoping to Bring 84 Million Turks into ‘evil’ Europe?

by Burak Bekdil – Gatestone Institute – If logic worked in politics, the question to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan should have been: Why has your country so passionately [...]


Christian Property in Iraq Threatened By Presidential Decision Against Patriarch

By Asia News (via AINA) The President of the Iraqi Republic recently withdrew what can be described as the “institutional recognition” of the office held by the Chaldean patriarch by [...]


Forced Migration, Murder, and More: A Week in the Life of Egypt’s Copts

By Patrick George – Daraj- Following is the article, originally published (in Arabic) in July 2019, that led to the arrest and trial of the author. Not a month goes by without tragedy striking [...]


Chaldean Patriarch forced out after Iraq repeals recognition

By Aleteia – The Iraqi government has repealed a decree that recognized Cardinal Sako as the head and representative of the Chaldean Catholic Church. Cardinal Louis Raphael Sako, Patriarch [...]


مطالبات بإخلاء سبيل باتريك زكي .. و«الحوار الوطني» يناشد الرئيس الإفراج عنه

مدى مصر ـ خاطبت «المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية»، النائب العام، ليصدر أمرًا بإخلاء سبيل الباحث باتريك جورج زكي بشكل فوري، انتظارًا لقرار جهة التصديق على حكم حبسه الصادر، اليوم، من محكمة أمن [...]


Coptic Solidarity Condemns Egypt’s Abhorrent Verdict to Jail Patrick Zaki

By Coptic Solidarity – for immediate release – UPDATE: On July 19, president Al-Sisi issued a decree to pardon “a number of convicted persons,” including Patrick Zaki. This [...]


التعليم والخطاب الديني

عادل نعمان ـ المصري اليوم ـ لا تجديد، ولا إصلاح، ولا تحديث للخطاب الديني دون تعليم مدروس وهادف وجاد، فهو الطريق الصائب والمحكم للإصلاح والتحديث، والتعليم يفتح الأبواب على ثقافات العالم، الذي [...]


Pakistan: Kidnapping, Forced Marriages, Forced Conversion

by Uzay Bulut – Gatestone Institute – magine if you are a child from a persecuted religious minority living in one of the world’s most oppressive countries. The country’s [...]


CS Conference: The Ordeal of Christians in the Middle East & Africa

This session was hosted during Coptic Solidarity’s 11th Annual Conference during the Policy Day at the US Capitol Visitor Center on June 15, 2023. Moderated by Jeff King: President, [...]


Iraq’s Christians Protest Government Move Against Cardinal Sako

By Julian Bechocha – AINA – Under mounting pressure from a pro-Iran militia group, the Iraqi president earlier this month revoked a decade-old decree that formally recognized Chaldean [...]

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