by Burak Bekdil – Gatestone Institute – If logic worked in politics, the question to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan should have been: Why has your country so passionately [...]
By Asia News (via AINA) The President of the Iraqi Republic recently withdrew what can be described as the “institutional recognition” of the office held by the Chaldean patriarch by [...]
By Patrick George – Daraj- Following is the article, originally published (in Arabic) in July 2019, that led to the arrest and trial of the author. Not a month goes by without tragedy striking [...]
By Aleteia – The Iraqi government has repealed a decree that recognized Cardinal Sako as the head and representative of the Chaldean Catholic Church. Cardinal Louis Raphael Sako, Patriarch [...]
مدى مصر ـ خاطبت «المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية»، النائب العام، ليصدر أمرًا بإخلاء سبيل الباحث باتريك جورج زكي بشكل فوري، انتظارًا لقرار جهة التصديق على حكم حبسه الصادر، اليوم، من محكمة أمن [...]
By Coptic Solidarity – for immediate release – UPDATE: On July 19, president Al-Sisi issued a decree to pardon “a number of convicted persons,” including Patrick Zaki. This [...]
عادل نعمان ـ المصري اليوم ـ لا تجديد، ولا إصلاح، ولا تحديث للخطاب الديني دون تعليم مدروس وهادف وجاد، فهو الطريق الصائب والمحكم للإصلاح والتحديث، والتعليم يفتح الأبواب على ثقافات العالم، الذي [...]
by Uzay Bulut – Gatestone Institute – magine if you are a child from a persecuted religious minority living in one of the world’s most oppressive countries. The country’s [...]
This session was hosted during Coptic Solidarity’s 11th Annual Conference during the Policy Day at the US Capitol Visitor Center on June 15, 2023. Moderated by Jeff King: President, [...]
By Julian Bechocha – AINA – Under mounting pressure from a pro-Iran militia group, the Iraqi president earlier this month revoked a decade-old decree that formally recognized Chaldean [...]