In CS Releases & Articles

By Coptic Solidarity

For Immediate Release
(Washington, DC) August 31, 2021

Coptic Solidarity recently learned that imprisoned Copt, Peter Ragheb , was dealt another 45 days renewal of his detention. To date, Egyptian government restrictions have prevented Peter’s lawyer from taking any meaningful action on his behalf. We are told there was an investigation into his case about 120 days ago and that he is accused of spreading false information, malicious usage of social media websites, and of joining a terrorist organization.

The unjust imprisonment of Peter is taking a terrible toll on his family. His brother says, “Our life is falling apart by the day because of Peter’s imprisonment. My father is very sick and he’s literally dying of sorrow. Injustice is a terrible feeling. Egypt feels like a huge prison, and we don’t know how to truly live anymore. I lost all hope and I live in constant fear. Egypt is a scary place and I wish to leave it as soon as possible

The Egyptian government’s continued practice of detaining innocent civilians, journalists, and human rights defenders is an unconscionable policy that denies Egyptians their most basic human rights of freedom of conscience or belief and free speech. Fabricated charges such as those used against Peter Ragheb, Ramy Kamel, and Patrick Zaky are nothing more than a pretense for a slow death sentence in Egypt’s horrific prisons. If Egypt truly wants to be a regional leader and a respected member of the international community, the government must demonstrate to their own people and the world that they will uphold basic human rights and desist from detaining and torturing peaceful citizens and activists. 

Coptic Solidarity is an organization seeking to help minorities, particularly the Copts, of Egypt. We support those in Egypt working for democracy, freedom, and the protection of the fundamental rights of all Egyptian citizens, and advocate in cooperation with the affiliated organizations in Canada and in Europe (Solidarité Copte). For more information, contact Lindsay Griffin at 801-512-1713 or

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