By Saba E. Demian, M.D. –
In the long history of this civilization, the Egyptian civilization, there has not been a parallel to this period in which the soul of Egypt is in the balance. Many believe that the die is cast and there is no return from the seemingly inevitable downward spiral the country is descending to. There, I stop to contemplate. Has there been other periods in which this beleaguered country passed through similar trying times? The answer is yes. What has been the outcome of these challenges to the fabric of the people and nation.
Historically, in the sixth century BC Egypt was conquered and occupied by the Persians. They were ousted by Alexander the Great in the latter third of the fourth century BC. Ptolemy, one of Alexander’s four generals was awarded Egypt. His lineage ruled wisely and benevolently until Julius Cesar conquered Egypt at the zenith of the power of the Roman Empire.
A very important question is whether the Egyptians were ever a pure race. There are many varied answers to this question, none of which is supported by irrefutable scientific or archeological facts. The Ancient Egyptians were not a homogenous race, far from it. Today’s Copts pride themselves as the descendants of the Ancient Egyptians. There is some truth to that. However, the country has not been ruled by a pure Egyptian since the first Persian conquest. The Egyptian Muslims are a mixture of Arabs and Coptic converts to Islam and more. After the Arab/Islamic conquest of Egypt, in the first half of the seventh century AD, the Copts have been treated as surfs, dhimmis.
I shall jump forward fourteen centuries to the present. Since the January 25, 2011 revolution, which ousted Mubarak, the country and its people have gone through enormous pressures, political, economic, religious, enough to sink a ship. When President Al-Sisi took the rudder almost all Egyptians breathed a sigh of relief because he was against the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is costing him heavily. He is walking a tight rope trying to be a moderate leader balancing the interests of all Egyptians, Muslims and Copts. He has performed some very courageous acts Like bombing ISIS after they slaughtered twenty-one Copts on the shores of Libya. He continues to preach moderation to the Head of Al-Azhar University and try to resolve conflicts between Muslims and Copts in an equitable manner but unfortunately he is in a tight noose and is close to not being in control.
The most salient question is who if not Al-Sissi. There is no acceptable answer to this question. Is he at the stage where Egypt is for sale? Some think so. Egypt is bankrupt without any near-term relief from within. Going with hat-in-hand to the IMF is groveling and the outcome is uncertain. The conditions which the IMF will set to allow the loan of twelve billion dollars are unattainable. The Arabs want a chunk of Egypt in exchange for financial aid. Sorry, but Egypt is not for sale.
Egypt will never rise again, to take its place among the nations of the civilized world, until all Egyptians are one, regardless of religious affiliation.
Article submitted by Saba E. Demian, M.D. Retired professor of Laboratory Medicine USC, LSU Schools of Medicine
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