Coptic Solidarity at the United Nations

Earlier this month, Coptic Solidarity attended the first week of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Rights (UNFPII) in New York City. Last year was our first opportunity to attend this event, [...]


Coptic Solidarity & Jubilee Campaign Hosted Event for UN Commission on Status of Women

By Coptic Solidarity – Jubilee Campaign and Coptic Solidarity hosted an in-person parallel event tilted Filling the Gaps in Social Protection Systems for Minority Women on March 20th, on [...]


Coptic Solidarity Joint Submission to UN Working Group on Disappearances

By Coptic Solidarity – Coptic Solidarity, Jubilee Campaign, Set my people free, and the Africa Working Group of the International Religious Freedom Roundtable collaborated in writing this [...]


Advocacy of Hatred based on Religion or Belief in Egypt

By Coptic Solidarity – Coptic Solidarity submitted this report in response to an open Call for input: Advocacy of Hatred Based on Religion or Belief – Transformative Responses made by [...]


UNGA78 Parallel Event: Protect the Girl Child

By Jubilee Campaign – On Friday, 13 October, we were privileged to collaborate with Set My People Free, Voice for Justice, Coptic Solidarity, and Christian Freedom International to host a [...]


Coptic Solidarity Participates in UNGA78 Parallel Event to Protect the Girl Child

By Coptic Solidarity – Coptic Solidarity president, Caroline Doss Esq., will be participating at an event in New York City this Friday, October 13th titled : Protect the Girl Child: Combat [...]


UN ECOSOC Members Approved Coptic Solidarity for Accreditation After 7 Year Obstruction

By Coptic Solidarity – Christian News Wire – (Washington, DC) December 8, 2022 Yesterday, December 7, Member States of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) voted for nine [...]


ECOSOC: States must end unjustified barriers to 9 civil society groups in upcoming vote

By Maithili Pai -ISHR – On Wednesday 7 December, ECOSOC Member States will be asked to vote on the accreditation of 9 NGOs that have been arbitrarily blocked from UN participation, [...]


Worst Violators Among sponsors of UN Resolution for Victims of Persecution

By Coptic Solidarity – Several countries introduced a resolution that the UN General Assembly adopted on May 28, 2019 making August 22 the International Day Commemorating the Victims of [...]


Sisi to attend 73rd UN General Assembly session: Diplomats

By Egypt Independent – Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi will address the general debate of the 73rd session for the UN General Assembly, held from [...]

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