United Nations Historically Adopts Language Addressing Forced Religious Conversions

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington, D.C., Nov 20 – Statement from the IRF Roundtable on the Adoption of Language Addressing Abductions, Trafficking, and Forced Religious Conversions in the UNGA [...]

Joint NGO Letter to President Biden for Ramy Kamel’s Release

April 15, 2021 President Joseph R. BidenThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NWWashington, DC 20500 Dear President Biden, We write to you as an informal group of  43 organizations and [...]


Multi-faith letter in Support of H.Res. 673

 By Coptic Solidarity –  Today the International Religious Freedom Roundtable sent a multi-faith letter to Chairmen Royce and Ros-Lehtinen signed by 41 organizations and individuals to ask [...]