In News & Reports

April 15, 2021

President Joseph R. Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Biden,

We write to you as an informal group of  43 organizations and individuals who are scholars, religious and secular leaders, and human rights advocates.

We ask that you promptly contact Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, urging the release of the imprisoned Coptic activist, Ramy Kamel.

A group of 15 concerned NGOs published a statement on December 21, 2020 raising concerns about Mr. Kamel’s detention in solitary confinement for more than one year.
Mr. Kamel was arrested on Nov 23, 2019 and, without credible evidence, he was accused by the State Security Prosecutor General (SSSP), of “disturbing the public peace through the misuse of social media and spreading false news, and with joining and financing a terrorist group.” He is still being detained ‘pending further investigations,’ without indicating when, or whether, he will be referred to court for trial. He has been held in solitary confinement for 15 months, suffering a de facto brutal and illegitimate punishment. 

Mr. Kamel’s imprisonment is a direct result of cooperating with the UN, which makes a commensurate response by the UN and the US government a moral imperative. He was invited to participate in an UN forum (November 28th and 29th, 2019) titled Education, Language, and the Human Rights of Minorities as a leading advocate and as an individual who met and collaborated with the former UN Special Rapporteur on adequate housing, Leilani Fahra, when she visited Egypt in September 2018. He was arrested just before departing Cairo.

Kamel’s focus was on Christians who have been displaced from their homes by the government’s actions, including development, counter-terrorism efforts, and faith-based persecution.

Mr. Kamel is suffering severe, repeated asthma attacks which pose an even greater risk for him due to the spread of COVID-19 in Egyptian prisons. His sister reported that he has lost about one-third of his weight and is in extremely poor mental health due to the prolonged time in solitary confinement and is still being denied medical treatment. Mr. Kamel’s very life is in danger due to the egregious treatment he has experienced at the hands of Egyptian State Security and refusal of the judiciary to perform their duties.

We urge the immediate release of Mr. Kamel, lifting of all charges against him in Case no. 1475 of 2019, and that a thorough investigation be completed to ensure that those responsible for these violations against him, including all acts of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, are prosecuted and punished to the fullest extent of the law.”

We stand ready to answer any questions and to provide any additional information you may require to take immediate action on behalf of Mr. Kamel.



Coptic Solidarity

International Christian Concern

Bitter Winter


Center for Pluralism

Center for Studies on New Religions (CENSUR)

Christian Freedom International

Citizen Power Initiatives for China

Coalition for Jewish Values

Congolese Integration Network

Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience

Christian Solidarity Worldwide, UK

Christian Solidarity Worldwide, USA

Church of Scientology, National Affairs Office

The Freedom Initiative

Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities (HRCBM)

International Human Rights Commission

Institut de recherche et d’études stratégiques de Khyber France

International Organization to Preserve Human Rights

Jubilee Campaign USA

Legalise Apostasy

LYN Community

New Wineskins Missionary Network

Observatory for Freedom of Religion and Conscience (Spain)

Orthodox Public Affairs Committee

Patmos Institute

The Philos Project

Plateau State Youth Council

Religious Freedom Institute

Revealing Light Ministries

Russia Orthodox Autonomous Church of America

Save the Persecuted Christians

Set My People Free

Tahrir Institute for Middle East Studies

Union of Councils for Jews in the Former Soviet Union

United Macedonian Diaspora


Individuals (with organization and title for identification purposes only)

Rep. Thomas A. Garrett
Former Congressman, United States House of Representatives

Lauren B. Homer
President, Law and Liberty International

Peter Kovach
Former Director of the Office of International Religious Freedom, Department of State

Paul Marshall
Professor, Baylor University

Scott Morgan
President, Red Eagle Enterprises

Becca Pugh
Program Director, Peace Catalyst International

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Showing 10 comments

    While I support this effort wholeheartedly, I seriously doubt that much, if anything at all, will happen to relieve Kamal’s internment. The interests between The US under the Biden Administration are in the way of providing this request. The autocratic regime of President Al-Sisi is the fox guarding the hen house. Our prayers are with Kamal and his family. Saba E. Demian, M.D.

  • Shadia Ibrahim

    In Egypt every one deer Al Azhar even Al sisy. That’s why need first to change the laws that says Egypt is a moslem country. Egyptian is a great people and they will build their country under a secular laws.

  • Jennifer Kilgore

    Dear President Biden,
    Please pressure Egypt’s President Al-Sisi to release Coptic Christian activist Ramy Kamel. The US need to advocate for religious tolerance and use ” the carrot and the stick” to do it.
    The Democratic Party needs to rise up on this issue around the world!

  • Mark Farag

    We all agree with all to free Mr. Kamel NOW, no reason to keep him in prison.

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