Coptic Solidarity hosted its 12th Annual Conference The Coptic Problem: Hate Based on Religion in Washington, D.C., June 13-14. This leading policy event united legislators, [...]
By Coptic Solidarity – Coptic Solidarity hosted the 4th Modern Coptic Martyrs Remembrance Day on October 22, 2019, with keynote speaker Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, the UN Special Rapporteur for [...]
Egypt’s Copts: Prospects of Equality in a Radicalized Society View conference photo gallery>> Coptic Solidarity hosted its 10th Annual Conference on June 20-21, 2019 in Washington, DC. The [...]
For Immediate ReleaseStatus of Copts in Egypt Remains Precarious Despite Positive Rhetoric of Egyptian Government (Washington, DC) June 21, 2016 Coptic Solidarity’s 7th Annual Conference in [...]
Coptic Solidarity Second Annual Conference, July 8-9, 2011 Summary Report Coptic Solidarity held its second Annual Conference at Washington, D.C. under the main theme of “Will Religious and [...]