Coptic Solidarity Leads Statement Urging Reinstatement of Chaldean Patriarch Sako

By Coptic Solidarity Christian News Wire – (Washington, DC) September 28, 2023 Today Coptic Solidarity published a statement signed by 86 non-profit organizations, parliamentarians and [...]


Statement Supporting Iraqi Patriarch Louis Raphael Sako

By Coptic Solidarity – Coptic Solidarity led an initiative to gather signatures for the statement below, signed by 87 non-profit organizations, parliamentarians and former legislators, and [...]


The Disappearance of Christian Women in Egypt: A crisis that requires urgent attention

By Amira Elmasry (*) – for Coptic Solidarity – Not a week goes by without social media or Coptic sites reporting on the sudden disappearance of a Christian girl, and often the girl is a minor. [...]


Businessman Indicted With Menendez Is Arrested at Kennedy Airport

By The New York Times – Wael Hana, who is accused of bribing the senior senator from New Jersey, pleaded not guilty in a Manhattan courtroom on Tuesday. Wael Hana, an Egyptian American [...]


Indoctrinated to Hate

By Raymond Ibrahim – Coptic Solidarity – Discussing how a decade after curriculum reforms had supposedly been implemented, a recent report titled “Egypt’s Schools Still Teach Division and [...]


اختفاء المسيحيات في مصر (2): كيف يتعامل الأمن مع القضية؟

أميرة المصري (*) ـ خاص ـ ناقش الجزء الأول من المقال الحوادث المتكررة حول اختفاء الفتيات المسيحيات، وعدم وجود معلومات تتسم بالشفافية حول الوقائع، ليتبعه هذا الجزء للتعمق في سؤال [...]


Armenians’ Dire Crisis in Karabakh

By Human Rights Watch – People in Nagorno-Karabakh are facing a dire humanitarian crisis and grave uncertainty about their future. There are fresh reports of large numbers of ethnic [...]


Sen. Menendez Accused of Brazen Plot

By The New York Times – Federal prosecutors have accused Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey and his wife, Nadine, of accepting bribes in exchange for official actions by Mr. Menendez. [...]


USCIRF Publishes Report on Personal Status and Family Law in the MENA Region and Implications for Women and Religious Freedom

By Coptic Solidarity – The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) published an insightful report this week titled Personal Status and Family Law in the Middle East and [...]


A Thousand Years of Jihad on the Oldest Christian Nation: Armenia

by Raymond Ibrahim  – The Islamic scimitar is rattling with Christian blood again. In late 2020, war broke out between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Two months later, peace was achieved [...]

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