By Coptic Solidarity –
(Washington, DC) December 18, 2018
For Immediate Release
Coptic Solidarity, The Coptic Canadian Association, the Middle East Freedom Forum, and all free Copts in the US invite you to join a peaceful demonstration at the White House and the Egyptian Embassy in Washington, DC on Friday, Dec. 21 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM to demonstrate for the sake of our beloved country Egypt and the persecuted Copts therein.
We invite all Egyptians to show solidarity and raise a voice of protest against what is happening to the Copts in Egypt. In one week, a Coptic church was burnt down, another was shut down, nine Copts arrested, a police officer murdered a peaceful Copt and his son, and a Coptic lady disappeared. All this means carte blanche against the Copts.
In Egypt, electrical shortages seem to cause fires only in churches of the Copts, murderers of Copts are immediately determined mentally ill or psychologically unstable, and justice is nearly always absent when it comes to crimes perpetrated against them.
Recently, a police officer in Beni Suef rushed into a church (during liturgy) shouting that Copts are infidels. Police officers guarding churches only watch them, but do not protect them.
Copts are living in a difficult time and the tears of Coptic families are incessant. This is a new era of persecution.
In the Minya governorate, the government and society do everything possible to terrorize Copts and force them to flee their home towns. It is religiously motivated terrorism intended to force emigration of Minya’s Copt. Dozens of churches have been shuttered Copts in dozens of villages have been left without a single church.
We cannot recount the litany of crimes committed against Copts in 2018 in such a brief announcement.
Therefore, we invite all of you to join us in supporting persecuted Copts in Egypt. Every voice will force the regime to provide protection to a peaceful minority that is repeatedly targeted, particularly during the season of Nativity and the New Year.
Come. Cry out on behalf of the innocent modern martyrs in Egypt.
When & Where: Friday, December 21, 2018
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM – Meet at the White House main gate
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM – Meet in front of the Egyptian Embassy at 3521 International Court, NW Washington, DC 20008.
The rally will be non-rowdy events and family friendly. Please ensure that you completely ignore any cancellation rumors and text messages regarding these events. All information and updates will be available on our website and across our social media platforms on Facebook and Twitter.
Please urge everyone you know in the US to join us. Let us unite together in raising our voice against the injustice and persecution which the Copts in Egypt are enduring.
Mr. Samuel el-Maraghi
(201) 674-9822
Mr. Kerin Wahba
(518) 882-8055
Mr. Adel Dawood
(514) 609-7575
Mr. Kamal el-Sabbagh
(609) 517-2686
Mr. Khairi Guirguis
(201) 238-7031
Mr. Magdi Khalil
Photo Credit: Pond5