Interview: Lydia Yousief of the Elmahaba Center

Coptic Solidarity interviewed Lydia Yousief, Founder & Director of the Elmahaba Center in Nashville, TN. The purpose of this interview is to create awareness with Copts in the US about how [...]


Annual Update on Coptic Solidarity’s Work – Lindsay Rodriguez

Coptic Solidarity hosted its 12th Annual Conference The Coptic Problem: Hate Based on Religion in Washington, D.C., June 13-14.This presentation was made on June 13, in the Cannon Caucus Room by [...]


Coptic Solidarity at the United Nations

Earlier this month, Coptic Solidarity attended the first week of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Rights (UNFPII) in New York City. Last year was our first opportunity to attend this event, [...]


CS Conference: Session on ‘Practical Solutions for Egypt’s Copts’

This session was hosted during Coptic Solidarity’s 11th Annual Conference during the Policy Day at the US Capitol Visitor Center on June 15, 2023. Moderated by: Lindsay Rodriguez – Director [...]


Presentation: Coptic Solidarity’s Key Advocacy Initiatives and Campaigns

Lindsay Rodriguez, Director of Development & Advocacy for Coptic Solidarity, presented an update on the organization’s work during the Policy Day of Coptic Solidarity’s 11th [...]