Presentation: Coptic Solidarity’s Key Advocacy Initiatives and Campaigns

Lindsay Rodriguez, Director of Development & Advocacy for Coptic Solidarity, presented an update on the organization’s work during the Policy Day of Coptic Solidarity’s 11th [...]


US Senator Bob Menendez Records Message for Coptic Solidarity’s 11th Annual Conference


The Horror of Being Christian in Muslim Pakistan: Just One Month

by Raymond Ibrahim – Gatestone Institute – “[T]here was absolutely no case. There was no proof against Noman, and none of the witnesses produced by police could corroborate the [...]


The Taliban’s Hatred of Women Is Fundamental to Their Hold on Power

By Foreign Policy – Waiting for change in Afghanistan is like waiting for Godot. Hatred is stalking the women of Afghanistan, pushing them further into darkness as world leaders appear to be [...]


ISIS In Africa Targeting Christians, As The World Is Largely Silent

By Alberto M. Fernandez – MEMRI – ISIS In Africa (Chad, Cameroon, Niger, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Mozambique): Targeting Christians – Killing, Beheading, Murdering Priests And [...]


A Coptic Student Is Accused of “Contempt” for Responding to Attacks on Christianity

Abanoub Emad, a student of dentistry at Zagazig University, is being accused of “contempt of religion,” after publishing some social media posts, which were considered to be insulting to Islam. A [...]


أبانوب عماد طالب الزقازيق المتهم بازدراء الأديان: من يقف وراء إشعال الفتنة؟

وطني ـ نشبت حالة من الجدل والاتهامات ضد أبانوب عماد، الطالب بطب الأسنان بجامعة الزقازيق، بتهمة ازدراء الأديان، بعد نشر “بوستات” ردا على تعليقات أخرين، وصفت بالإساءة للإسلام، وقيام [...]


Update: Coptic Solidarity’s 11th Annual Conference

By Coptic Solidarity Coptic Solidarity hosted its 11th Annual Conference The Indigenous Copts: Past Denied and Future Unknown in Washington, DC on June 15-16, 2023. A full report of the event, [...]


«ثورة» لم تحدث: تسع سنوات على الدعوة لتجديد الخطاب الديني

إسحق إبراهيم ـ المنصة ـ منذ تسع سنوات أطلق رئيس الجمهورية عبد الفتاح السيسي دعوته لتجديد الخطاب الديني، مطالبًا بثورة دينية، عقب فترة وجيزة من توليه الحكم. وتزامنت دعوته وقتها مع انتشار العمليات [...]


Father Henry Boulad

By Shahira Rigaud – Coptic Solidarity – It is with great sadness that Coptic Solidarity announces the passing of Father Henry Boulad. We have lost a great man who craved to change the [...]

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