Sarah Raviani at Coptic Solidarity’s 12th Annual Conference

This presentation was made by Sarah Raviani, Fellow & Engagement Coordinator at the National Union for Democracy in Iran, on June 14 at the Hilton Springfield during Coptic Solidarity’s [...]


Iran’s Attack on Christians

By Kristine Christlieb –  AINA A group of Christian organizations is reporting on the Iranian government’s persecution of Christians to the United Nations Human Rights [...]


Iranian Christian Sentenced to Flogging and Prison

By International Christian Concern – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on April 21, 2020, Christian human rights activist Mary Fatima Mohammadi received a suspended [...]


With Brutal Crackdown, Iran Is Convulsed by Worst Unrest in 40 Years

By The New York Times – What started as a protest over a surprise increase in gasoline prices turned into widespread demonstrations met with a systematic repression that left at least 180 [...]


USCIRF Supports Sanctions on Iranian Official Responsible for Baha’i Persecution

By USCIRF – The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) welcomes today’s announcement that the United States Treasury has sanctioned Mohammad Mohammadi Golpayegani for [...]


Iran’s ‘Terror Factory’ Targeting Christians

By Uzay Bulut – Gatestone Institute –  “In Iran, any practice that contradicts Islam is regarded as a national security threat, punished severely by the court system.” — [...]


History Lessons from Years Under Islamism

By Majid Rafizadeh – Gatestone Institute –  My father’s generation in Iran lived in an environment in which the Islamist party of the country’s clergy cunningly depicted [...]


The Middle East Is Nearing an Explosion

By Robert Malley – The Atlantic Fear is the one thing preventing it—but could also precipitate it. Lebanon has long been a mirror for the broader Middle East. The region’s more powerful [...]


Iran Punishes Religious Minorities with Lengthier Sentences

By 21st Century Wilberforce – At dawn, the Muslim call to prayer echoes down the streets of Tehran. About 20 miles west of the busy Iranian capitol, a Christian prisoner of conscience [...]