The International Olympic Committee Finally Responded to Coptic Solidarity

By Coptic Solidarity – Eight years after first raising the issue of discrimination against Coptic athletes in Egypt with the International Olympic Committee (IOC), they have finally replied [...]


End Discrimination Against Coptic Athletes

Coptic Solidarity started advocating for Coptic athletes in 2016. Below we have compiled the most important actions and publications made on their behalf. Advocacy & Articles for Coptic [...]


Coptic Solidarity Laments IOC Indifference to Egypt’s Systematic Religious-based Discrimination Against Athletes

By Coptic Solidarity on Standard News Wire (Washington, DC) August 12, 2024 Coptic Solidarity (CS) urges the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to conduct an immediate investigation into [...]


Egypt Maintains Discriminatory Practices Against Coptic Athletes Amidst Olympic Publicity

By Coptic Solidarity – The Olympics is a time for sport and fraternity to be celebrated globally, yet when Egypt’s national football team plays their first Tokyo 2021 game today against [...]


‘Coptic Solidarity’ Organization Claims Egypt Discriminates Against Coptic Athletes

By Egyptian Streets – Non-profit organization Coptic Solidarity has filed formal complaints with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and FIFA alleging that Coptic Christian athletes [...]


Coptic Solidarity Files Complaints with the IOC and FIFA Regarding Egypt’s Religious Discrimination Against Copts in Athletics

By Coptic Solidarity – For Immediate Release (Washington, DC) August 24, 2016 Coptic Solidarity recently filed formal complaints with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and with the [...]