Political Islam vs. Modernity

The conception of the modern state: modern Islamists are unable to understand or accept or even admire the modern state system, which is the product or the result of centuries of political, [...]


Cairo, City of Fights: The Promise of Egypt’s Revolution Dies Out

By early Friday afternoon, a small scrum of screamers had gathered in Tahrir Square. But the group was hardly big enough to disrupt traffic. An even smaller bunch congregated near the Mogamma, [...]


Why Revolutionary Sunni Islamism is the World’s Greatest Strategic Threat and None of It Is Moderate

Some ask why I use the word “Islamism” and the reason is because this is a specific, conscious set of organized political movements. However theology is related to this issue the problem is [...]


Understanding the Muslim Brotherhood

But something happened to the GOP in the Bush years. For all the welcome understanding that Bill Clinton was wrong — that the jihad could not be indicted into submission — the Bush [...]

In Uncategorized

Coptic Solidarity Newsletter 28 August 2012


NGO: Armed Gangs Plunder Minia’s Copts and Impose Tributes on Them

A delegation of Justice and Development Human Rights Organization has monitored a number of attacks and blackmails by armed gangs against the Christians of Al-Minia Governorate, namely the [...]


Obama Administration Met with 30 Brotherhood Members Before Egypt’s Presidential Elections

Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, professor of Political Sociology and Director of the Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies, recently revealed important details about separate negotiations between [...]