“We neither had then, nor do we have now, any reason to believe that this particular individual — who at the time of his application was a member of parliament — would pose a [...]
Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood — from which he resigned after his victory — dominated the parliament which the ruling military disbanded this month after a court order. William, a [...]
The current turmoil in Egypt is increasing the number of Egyptian Christians seeking asylum in the West and especially in America. Most of these asylees are educated men and women who are [...]
Editor’s note: This report was given to us by a reliable person who seeks anonymity for security reasons. The report is published as is, including some obvious language errors I volunteered as a [...]
“The black-eyed virgin wife in Paradise does not menstruate or have any of those things that people find disgusting. She is pure of all those things that might bother you in your wife. [...]