Why Appealing by the Copts to the International Community is Right, Moral, Legal and Good

By Dioscorus Boles – JOURNAL OF COPTIC CULTURE & POLITICS – Following the arrest of Ramy Kamil, the Coptic human rights activist on 23rd November 2019 by Egypt’s notorious [...]


In wake of government crackdown, Egypt lobbies for support ahead of major UN human rights review

By Mada Masr – Egypt is “fully prepared” to face all the accusations it expects will be brought against it at the Universal Periodic Review session scheduled to be held at the United [...]


Egypt Elected to UN Human Rights Council

By POMED – On October 29, Egypt was elected to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) for a term running from 2017 to 2020. Egypt received a total of 173 votes, and this will be [...]