Copts persuaded to drop charges against mob who attacked their church

By World Watch Monitor –  Copts in a village near the Egyptian city of Alexandria have been persuaded to waive the charges against an extremist mob who pelted their church with Molotov [...]


Church Under Legalisation Attacked In Beheira

By Watani –  A church in the village of al-Shuqaf in Housh Eissa in the west Delta province of Beheira was attacked by a mob of Muslim hardliners on Saturday 26 May. The mob also pelted the [...]


ماذا يحدث فى «حقوق عين شمس»؟

د. خالد منتصر ـ لم أكن لأصدق حتى قرأت بنفسى، واطلعت بعينى على هذا الكتاب، كتاب مقرّر على الدراسات العليا بكلية الحقوق عين شمس، بعنوان «الصراعات الإنسانية والسياسية فى الفكر الوضعى والديانات [...]


U.S. raises concerns over Egyptian activists’ arrests: White House

By Reuters –  U.S. Vice President Mike Pence told Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Thursday that the United States was concerned about certain activists who have been arrested even [...]


Coptic mother’s agony at trauma of son who saw Islamists kill his father

By World Watch Monitor –  One year ago Hanaa, a 42-year-old Egyptian mother of four, took a phonecall that changed her and her family’s life forever: her son called to say he and his [...]


Kristina Arriaga Reappointed, Gary L. Bauer, Nadine Maenza, and Johnnie Moore Appointed to USCIRF

By USCIRF – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 22, 2018   Kristina Arriaga Reappointed, Gary L. Bauer, Nadine Maenza, and Johnnie Moore Appointed to USCIRF WASHINGTON, DC – Speaker of the House [...]


دير الأنبا صموئيل يستغيث بالسيسي لفك الحصار والسماح بالزيارات

نادر شكرى أرسل رهبان دير الأنبا صموئيل المعترف بالمنيا استغاثة للرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسي رئيس الجمهورية، للتدخل لفك ما اسموه “بالحصار المفروض على الدير منذ حادث استهداف الاقباط على مدق الدير”، [...]


Turkey bans Wikipedia for documenting regime’s backing of ISIS

By World Tribune –  Turkey has imposed a ban on Wikipedia after it said the online encyclopedia refused to remove two English-language pages which cited Ankara’s support for the Islamic [...]


الأقباط في أزهي العصور ؟!

تقرير «مجموعة المواطنة» ـ الانتهاكات ضد الأقلية القبطية في مصر ـ من يونيو 2014 الى مارس 2018 ـ. إن التقرير الذي بين أيديكم ينقسم إلى أربعة أجزاء الأول هو التأصيل القانوني والدستوري لقضايا التقرير [...]


Why Egyptian policemen arrest people not fasting in Ramadan

By Egypt Today –   For Muslims, It is sinful to eat during the day time in the holy month of Ramadan, unless one has an excuse such as illness. This led some Muslims along the years to [...]

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