By World Tribune
Military spokesman Gen. Mohammed Samir told state-owned al-Ahram newspaper on May 25 that 521 tunnels connecting Gaza to Egypt have been discovered since large-scale operations in the North Sinai province began in October.
Egyptian security forces have also confiscated over 6,000 weapons and 2,350 kilograms of explosives from militants during the six-month operation, Sami said.
North Sinai has been under emergency military rule since October as militants have killed more than 30 Egyptian soldiers in the area. Schools are closed in the province and a curfew in strictly enforced.
Egypt has demolished thousands of homes in the area and has discovered tunnels concealed in many of them.
Sisi has promised to do more to combat militants in North Sinai where groups of militants are known to execute residents who are seen as “collaborating” with the government.
Sisi also said his government would invest $1.3 billion in the region, where unemployment is over 14 percent.