By Magdi Khalil – In order to make matters well -defined and clear and to avoid confusion, we state that there is an Egyptian cause and a Coptic cause. For there are causes that concern all [...]
By International Christian Concern – Egypt Correspondent – Gaber Nassar, president of Cairo University, has taken action to end religious discrimination at his institution for good. [...]
By Lord Alton of Liverpool – Independent Crossbench Member of the House of Lords Draft Remarks: Foreign and Commonwealth Office Presentation October 19th 2017 The BBC’s courageous chief [...]
تصحيح المفاهيم الملتبسة لدى الأستاذة فاطمة ناعوت مجدى خليل أول الملاحظات أن الأستاذة فاطمة ناعوت تحدثت بالعربية مبررة ذلك أنها تريد أن توجه كلامها إلى «الدول العربية» وليس «الحكومات الغربية» [...]